Song playing:  Precious Memories

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I am Fox in Coyote's Den

Fox Family History - In Words and Pictures

These are my people.  The pictures help tell the story of men and women who had not much more than their good name and reputation to leave behind for their children.

I come from a multi-cultural background and some of this has been lost for generations because of the climate of the times.  My son (Starfox) was very interested in the likelyhood of our Native American heritage, and had come across some stories about Coyote.  There wasn't a lot to be found in our local libraries, so we decided to search the net.   That's also when we decided that a web page where these stories could be gathered together was an idea whose time had come.

From information that I have been able to gather from old pictures, Great-grandma Sarah was maybe part Choctaw.  She was raised by her maternal grandmotherand always claimed to be "Black Dutch".  Papa's youngest sister says that the records indicate that she was indeed full "Black Dutch" (or a dark haired German).  One of my cousins believes that Great-greatgrandpa Thomas Jefferson Fox was a Cherokee who avoided the relocation order made by President Andrew Jackson.  Grandma's family may have have had some Amerindian blood also.  Her father's mother's maiden name is unkown and a picture of her father's sister that I have, shows definite Amerindian features.   The rest of my ancestory is Irish, Welsh, Dutch, German, and English.  My wife is Lithuanian, Italian, French, and Spanish.  We are both glad that our son is interested in all of his background.  No better legacy can be given than the history of one's family.  Please don't forget to pass all of it down to your children and grandchildren.  It is worth a lot more than money and possesions.

All of the family pictures are © copyright by the descendants of Mathew Newton Fox and A. J. "Jack" Ward and are not to be copied except by them.

Grandpa's Family
This is Grandpa's family.  Aunt Mary is on the porch, one of the twins (Aunt Cora or Aunt Dora), Great-grandma Sarah, Aunt Lucretia (Creecy), Grandpa (Samual), Great-grandpa Mathew (Newt), and the other twin (Aunt Dora, or Aunt Cora).
Grandpa's house, 2000
This is how Grandpa's place looked in the summer of 2000.  My Aunt Nellie took this picture, I believe.

Grandpa and Grandma
This is Grandpa and Grandma (Samual Newton Fox, and Mary Francis [Fanny Ward] Fox).
This is another picture of Grandma and Grandpa, taken when they were young.
This Greatgrandma, Sarah Keele Fox. She was Grandpa's mother.
This is GrandPa's second oldest sister, Aunt Creecy, and her husband, Uncle Oliver.
Sam and Fannie Fox's Kids
This is Sam and Fannie Fox's children about 1960. Left to right: Aunt Jackie, Aunt Frances, Aunt Irene, Uncle Dow, Aunt Nellie, Uncle Walter, Papa (Spurgeon), and Aunt Helen. There were two more boys (Uncle Andrew Charlie and "the baby that died") who did not live past infancy.
Grandma's family
This was Grandma's family in about 1903. Pictured (from left to right) are: Aunt Bessie, age 8; Greatgrandpa (Andrew Jackson [A. J.]) Ward; Grandma (Fanny), age 14; Aunt Clara Ann, age 4 (died at age 6); Aunt Bertie, age 12 (lost her betrothed in the Great War and never married); Uncle Buddy (Andrew Jackson Ward, Jr.), less than age 1; and Greatgrandma (Nanny) Ward. Children born later were Aunt Tennie, Uncle George and Uncle Robert.
Greatgrandaunt Thanie
This is Grandma's aunt, Mary Ann Parthanie (Thanie) Ward.
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